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Other Novels by Alfred Bester
The Demolished Man
(Chicago: Shasta, 1953)
"Who He?"
(New York: Dial Press, 1953)
The Stars My Destination
(New York: Signet, 1957)
The Computer Connection
(New York: Berkeley, 1975)
Golem 100
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1980)
The Deceivers
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981)
Tender Loving Rage
(Houston: Tafford, 1991)
(New York: Vintage, 1998)
Alfred Bester
William Gibson on The Stars My Destination
Read Biography
Alfred Bester—My Affair with Science Fiction
Alfred Bester looks back at his career as a writer for science fiction, television, and the comics in this engaging biographical essay from the 1975 collection Hell’s Cartographers.
The Walking Dead
Bester’s adaptation of “Fondly Fahrenheit” (1954)
Other Novels by Alfred Bester
Michael Dirda on
The Space Merchants
Neil Gaiman on
The Big Time
Nicola Griffith on
The Long Tomorrow
James Morrow on
A Case of Conscience
Tim Powers on
Kit Reed on
More Than Human
Peter Straub on
The Shrinking Man
Connie Willis on
Double Star